OOPS! Series is on YouTube!

If you've been following my blog, I had a couple of posts about the series OOPS! Christians Got It Wrong About Christ. In fact, those were my first few posts! Well... if you want to get an even better feel of how mindset-changing the sermons are, you can now check them out on YouTube!!

For those whore are a bit lazy, I'm posting them here haha.... 
They are just short clips, but you will be able to see the full version of Part 2 on www.pastorhow.com/oops-series - go check it out!

In the meantime, here are some of the clips! you should just go to the Heart of God Church YouTube Channel (I also saw it at - "Pastor Tan Seow How's YouTube Channel") to go look at all of them. There's a playlist there so you don't have to search out the videos one by one!

Part 1

Part 2  (My favorite part!) - Why are Christians so judgmental? 
This was a eye-opening part of the series. I copied so many notes (and posted them in an earlier blog too haha) 

Part 4 - Rules vs. Conditions
I really liked this one too - it was something that cleared up a lot of questions in my mind about why there had to be rules --- coz a lot of my old friends used to think like church is just a bunch of rules and that God is out to make our lives difficult and miserable. I didn't feel that way in Heart of God Church, but I didn't quite know how to explain it until this sermon!

So, if you're looking for YouTube videos to watch these come highly recommended!