Garrett and Lynette shared the sermon this week (as you can see from the title of the post). They actually preached on the same sermon (same points, different examples, etc of course). And it just made me think - one of the things I love in Heart of God Church is the teamwork! I remember for school projects people always fight over "my part of the presentation" - everyone just wanted to claim credit for what they wrote (or worse, sometimes for what they didn't write). Examples like this (it's one of many) made me change (for the better) since I came to Heart of God Church. People here work together and don't care who gets the credit. I used to look out for myself only, but the way people are in this church really made me evaluate how I was like and change. It's not a perfect church (what church is?); but it's a church that always challenges me to become better. And isn't that what's important?
Enough about me! Here's the sermon!
*** Additional Edit ***
Part 2 is out! You can find it here!
Progressive Commitment Part 1 (Garrett Lee / Lynette Goh)
The depth of relationship is defined by the degree of commitment.
Our relationship with God is also defined by the degree of our commitment.
That makes commitment a critical part of our Christianity.
Christianity is more than just an emotion.
Commitment is progressive.
If you meet a girl you like, your commitment to her progresses over time. Sometimes it takes years! You don't marry the girl you like the next day.
Proverbs 4:18
But the path of the just is like the shining sun,
That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.
"Path of the just"
- As Christians we are on a path. It is not stationary.
- A path is a sign of progress.
A healthy Christian life is progressive.
We always need to ask ourselves "Am I progressing in my walk with God?"
Evaluate yourself:
"At the rate I am progressing with God, where will I be in the next 3 years?"
"Am I more addicted to the Word of God?"
"Are the stories that I share with other people from 5 years ago? Do i have a fresh example of how God has moved in my life?"
"What is my next step?"
Abraham went through a process
5 Steps of Commitment that Abraham Took
Genesis 11:31
Abraham had to leave Ur.
Ur was one of the most developed and advanced cities of its time.
Abraham lived in Ur for 50 years
It was a place of comfort.
It was his hom.
Leaving Ur --》Letting go of his home --》Leaving his comfort zone
All progress takes place outside of the comfort zone.
This principle applies to all areas of our life - relationships, career
Progress in our relationship with God also takes place outside our comfort zone.
Genesis 12:1-4
Abraham had to leave Haran.
Abraham stayed at Haran for 25 years.
He didn't go to Canaan immediately.
Why was Abraham able to leave Ur but not able to leave Haran?
Acts 7:2-4 - When his father was dead
Leaving Haran --》 Letting go of his father --》Leaving his past
Letting go of his father does not mean we have to leave our physical parents, but it represents letting go of old experiences, things we are accustomed to, old mindsets.
The way God works is very different from the way the world works. We cannot bring our worldly mindsets and the way we do things in the world 100% into the church.
Luke 5:36-38 - No one puts new wine into old wineskins
Genesis 12:1
Abraham had to leave Lot
Lot = veil, covering (Hebrew)
Lot's influence was holding him back
Leaving Lot --》Letting go of his nephew --》Leaving people who are holding him back
Lot is not just representative of non Christians. In fact, Lot was righteous. He was a Christian. Lot was righteous but not holy.
Holiness is not about our position in Christ, but it is a pursuit.
Holiness is about obedience - moving from salvation to sanctification to service.
You can ask yourself - "After spending time with this person do I feel closer to God or further away from God?" We need relationships that bring us closer to Christ.
Genesis 13:8-9 - "Please separate from me."
Abraham had to make a decision.
Genesis 13:14 - "The Lord spoke to Abraham after Lot had separated from him..."
God spoke after Lot separated from him
Sometimes Lots cloud and block us from seeing God's inheritance and promises for us...
What is my next step?