S.H.A.P.E. (Pastor Tan Seow How)

Last week's sermon was about discovering our S.H.A.P.E. - it was not a very long sermon and I don't think you want to know what was mine, so I'll keep it quick. 

Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us that "salvation is by grace through faith"
Ephesians 2:10 goes on to say that "we are God's workmanship, created for good works."

While we are not saved BY good works,
We are saved FOR good works.

God leaves us in the world so that we can love and serve people.
God not only prepared us, He also prepared good works.
God has a plan for us!!
God makes us exactly the way we are because there is a work that only we can do.
We are uniquely SHAPEd for a reason and purpose.
So, what is SHAPE? 

S - Spiritual Gifts

1 Peter 4:10-11
Romans 12:4-8 (NLT)

Our spiritual gifts are not for ourselves but to serve one another.

Different peope have different gifts.. Serving, Teaching, Encouraging, Giving, Leadership, Showing Kindness
Some gifts don't result in having a title but our gifts are for others.

H - Heart
What are your burdens? Passions?
What makes you sad? What makes you cry?

What are your interests? What do you love to do?

A - Abilities
What are you naturally good at? Talents? Skills? 
What is your training and education?
What is your work experience? 

A lot of people think that in order to serve in church you need to be a leader, give Bible studies or on the stage. That is not true.
God uses all kinds of abilities. You can serve in church no matter what your abilities are!

P - Personality
What is my personality like? And what ministry best suits my personality?

Are you...
Thinker / Planner / Hands-On
Extrovert / Introvert
Like People / Shy with people
Front line / Support / Back-end

E - Experiences
God can use your experiences, whether good or bad.
If you come from a good family, you can give young people an opportunity to experience what a good family is like.
If you come from a not-so-good family, you can empathize with others that come from a similar background

2 Corinthians 1:4
God comforts us... so that we can comfort others... 

Comforted people, comfort people

Many of us ask "why?" - why did this happen to me? 
But we should instead "what?" - what do You want me to do with my experiences?
It's not about finding the reason but finding the purpose....

Some people think they wasted their years..
Don't waste your wasted years.

Some of us have made bad decisions...
Don't dwell in your bad decisions...
Don't waste the mistakes and failures.. God is a God of redemption...NOTHING IS WASTED.