Can't believe it! Last part of the series Oops! Christians Got It Wrong About Christ by Pastor How! The series went by really fast, but it sure made me think about what wrong things I've believed for so many years... I guess that's what Christianity is about, like the Bereans in the Bible who always tested what they heard against the Bible, I love how when I review the sermons and read the Bible things become so much clearer and I know what I need to grow in and change.... God's truly amazing.
Anyway, here it goes!!
Last part...
OOPS SERIES PART 5 (by: Pastor Tan Seow How)
We misrepresent Christ because of wrong beliefs which results in wrong actions.
The cross is both vertical and horizontal.
The vertical is our relationship with God.
The horizontal is our relationship with people.
Our vertical relationship with God is defined by FAITH.
Out horizontal relationship with man is defines by LOVE.
With God all we need to do is believe, to have faith.
In Hebrews 11:6 it says that without faith it is impossible to please God
In John 13:34-35 it says that people will know we are Christians if we love one anther.
So, We should have faith in God and love each other.
But most of us love God and put our faith in people.
When you have faith in men, you will have disappointments from unrealistic expectations. People are not strong enough for us to anchor our faith on. They will make mistakes, change and disappoint us. God is constant and consistent, so the only one we can have faith in is God.
However, while people will disappoint us, we should still love them.
Our vertical relationship with God is passive righteousness. Our horizontal relationship with Men is active righteousness. - Martin Luther
When it comes to God, there is nothing we can do to make Him love us more. All we need to do is to believe. (Ephesians 2:8-9) We are righteous because of the finished work on the cross.
With people we need to actively love and serve and care.
Romans 13:8 -- owe no one anything except to love one another....
If you love one another you have fulfilled the law.
Passive righteousness tells us that God does not need our good works.
Active righteouseness tells us that our neighbours do.
Some Christians are passive, passive.
They think that because we don't need to do anything with God we also don't need to love and and serve others.
Some Christians are active active.
These people love and serve but they are religious. They don't understand that they don't need to perform for God. They act as if the length of their prayers or their works will earn them priority with God.
It is finished on the cross so that we can begin on earth.
Luke 7:37-38,44-48 (NLT)
vs 47 - a person who is forgiven little shows only a little love
A person who has experienced the love of God much will love much
Loved people love people.
Forgiven people, forgive people.
1 John 4:19 (NLT) "we love because He first loved us."
Without experiencing the love Christ, we can never be able to love fully.
We all can love to some extent but we would not be able to love unconditionally.
His love for us produces love from us.
We are objects of his love first, then we are transformed into His subjects who love.
2 Corinthians 1:4 (NLT)
He comforts us... So that we can comfort others... Then we are able to give them the same comfort we have received.
Loved people love people.
Forgiven people, forgive people.
Comforted people, comfort people.