John 21:1-13 (NLT)
This is a transitionary chapter. It is the last chapter before Acts.Before this, Jesus told the disciples to go to Galilee to wait for Him.It was a tricky period for the disciples - they knew Jesus was alive but they had no direction from Him.
What did the disciples do?
John 21:3 --- Simon Peter said, “I’m going fishing.”
Peter went back to fishing
When he was uncertain about his future, he returned to his past.
The boat was Peter's comfort zone.
It was what he was used to.
When Peter went fishing. He worked all night but caught nothing. Similarly...
Some of us may feel like we are going through the same struggles over and over again.
Or maybe we work hard but we cannot seem to find a breakthrough.
vs.4 - At dawn, Jesus...Though weeping may endure for a night, joy comes in the morning.
It is not a question of "if God will show up" because God will show up. God will show up and when God shows up our heart needs to be ready.
4 Keys to Have When God Shows Up
1. RECOGNISE His Voice (vs.7)
When Jesus came, no one could recognise Him, except JohnYou recognise a person's voice when you spend time with them.Similarly, only when we spend time in the presence of God do we gain intimacy with Him.John 10:27 - John wrote the words "My sheep hear My voice..."
2. REPOSITION (Allow God to)vs. 6 "Throw the net on the right hand side.."When the disciples repositioned their nets, then they were successful.We may doing the right thing but in the wrong direction. Allow God to reposition you.
The abundance of fish represents the abundance of blessing.
When we are repositioned, we are able to be successful.
vs.7 - When Peter heard it was Jesus, he jumped into the water.It was out of the abundance of Peter's heart thay he responded.Even after the blessing, Peter was more interested in the Blesser.
When God blesses us, do we run towards the blessings or toward God?Our blessings should lead us TO God not AWAY from God.
John 21:9,12When all the disciples reached shore, Jesus was cooking breakfast for them. When Peter swam towards God, Jesus already had a blessing prepared for him.It is not about the blessing but the RELATIONSHIP.God is more interested in the relationship with us.
"God doesn't want something from us. He simply wants us." - CS Lewis
4. REVELATIONJohn 21:15-16After breakfast, Jesus asked Peter "do you love Me more than these?"..."These" - the blessing and breakthroughs
After this incident, Peter had a revelation and when he saw things in a brand new way...
That was Peter's last night on the boat.
You will never read of him on the boat again.
The first time Jesus called, Peter responded but he still went back to the boat.
After this time, he and the other disciples went on to change the world.
God is asking, will this time be your last time on the boat?